Database of North America’s phone numbers
Database of North America’s
phone numbers

Subscriber with the number +12262154263

Subscriber’s full name:
- Not defined
Residence city/town:
- Not defined
Residence address:
- Not defined

Find more information 12262154263
   Call from the US mobile number to Russia:
  +7 - (city code/operator code) - (phone number)
   Call from the US local number to Russia:
  011-7 - (city code/operator code) - (phone number)
   Call from Russian mobile number to the USA:
  +12262154263 , +1-226-2154263 , +1-226-215-4263
   Call from Russian local number to the USA:
  8 - ( beep ) - 10 - 1 - 2262154263*
   Call from Russian office number to the USA:
  9 - 8 - ( beep ) - 10 - 1 - 2262154263*
* 8 - ( beep ) - 10 can be replaced by +7 - ( beep ) - 10
810 - code for international calls when calling from Russia
011 - code for international calls when calling from the USA
QR-code is represented below.

  VERSION: 3.0
  FN: Not defined
  TEL: +12262154263
  NOTE: Database of the US phone numbers
 Author: Amir
 Date: 16.05.2018 19:43:53
I got a fake call saying it was a call from CRA
 Author: Don’t answer
 Date: 16.05.2018 20:14:14
CRA scam!!!
 Author: Mona
 Date: 16.05.2018 23:25:37
CRA scam!!!
It was an automatic message: "you are owning debt to CRA. Call back at this number otherwise you will get arrest." Scammer!!
 Author: gfff
 Date: 24.02.2019 22:05:14
scan canaval brazil
 Author: Adil özer
 Date: 09.03.2019 23:29:59
D ta
 Author: Adil özer
 Date: 09.03.2019 23:31:50
 Author: Mona
 Date: 02.10.2019 21:00:42
 Author: Ramsewak
 Date: 03.10.2019 08:24:18
 Author: Suraj
 Date: 03.10.2019 20:06:10
 Author: Suraj
 Date: 03.10.2019 20:09:50
Main apni puri baat yanha pe likh nahi pa rha hu mere 3 parcel hai ek bhi nahi hai
 Author: Suraj
 Date: 03.10.2019 20:10:52
Ek bhi nahi Aya hai Abhi tak 21 September ka hai
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do not answer, scam, pretending they are from microsoft and they want remote access to your computer to fix some bugs

Bittu kumar

Barh station bazeepur road marriage hall ke pass may he home Mobile number 9113377641

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