Database of North America’s phone numbers
Database of North America’s
phone numbers

Subscriber with the number +14540256458

Subscriber’s full name:
- Not defined
Residence city/town:
- Not defined
Residence address:
- Not defined

Find more information 14540256458
   Call from the US mobile number to Russia:
  +7 - (city code/operator code) - (phone number)
   Call from the US local number to Russia:
  011-7 - (city code/operator code) - (phone number)
   Call from Russian mobile number to the USA:
  +14540256458 , +1-454-0256458 , +1-454-025-6458
   Call from Russian local number to the USA:
  8 - ( beep ) - 10 - 1 - 4540256458*
   Call from Russian office number to the USA:
  9 - 8 - ( beep ) - 10 - 1 - 4540256458*
* 8 - ( beep ) - 10 can be replaced by +7 - ( beep ) - 10
810 - code for international calls when calling from Russia
011 - code for international calls when calling from the USA
QR-code is represented below.

  VERSION: 3.0
  FN: Not defined
  TEL: +14540256458
  NOTE: Database of the US phone numbers
 Author: john
 Date: 21.05.2018 17:24:27
do not answer, scam, pretending they are from microsoft and they want remote access to your computer to fix some bugs
 Author: Adil
 Date: 09.03.2019 23:23:04
 Author: Adil özer
 Date: 09.03.2019 23:24:43
 Author: Surendra pal
 Date: 17.03.2019 19:59:37
7305318181 I'd caller
 Author: Rosnah binti yunud
 Date: 20.03.2019 21:23:42
Janda sepi
 Author: john
 Date: 24.04.2019 17:23:57
mr john
 Author: Filsan
 Date: 30.05.2019 09:13:11
 Author: Nirajkumar
 Date: 30.05.2019 11:27:59
 Author: test
 Date: 22.09.2019 23:24:19
 Author: Maxamed
 Date: 02.10.2019 22:01:36
 Author: Vharti khatun
 Date: 11.10.2019 11:27:09
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Bittu kumar

Barh station bazeepur road marriage hall ke pass may he home Mobile number 9113377641


CRA scam!!!
It was an automatic message: "you are owning debt to CRA. Call back at this number otherwise you will get arrest." Scammer!!

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